



A method of establishing control points, their position being determined by measuring the distances between the traverse stations (which serve as control point) and the angles subtended at the various stations  by their adjacent stations.

Principles of Theodolite
The principles of the theodolite are that a beam of light travels in a straight line, and that when you know the length of one side of a triangle and the angles of the corners as measured by reflecting beams of light then you can precisely map features on the ground both horizontally and vertically.

Type of Theodolite

                                      Figure 1 : Type of Theodolite

Vernier Theodolite
The vernier theodolite is a also know as a transit. In a transit theodolite or simply transit the telescope can be rotated in a vertical plane. Earlier versions of theodolite were of the non-transit type and are obsolete now. 

Two view of a vernier theodolite are in Figure 2. The instrument details vary with different manufacturers but the essential parts remain the same.

 Figure 2 : Component of Vernier Theodolite

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